Archive | March, 2013


29 Mar

Over the past few weeks my posts have been scarce. My apologies this is what happened to my laptop……

broken macThe truth is, that isn’t my MacBook Pro…..but it sure looks the way my heart feels. Heart broken!!!!!! My laptop is literally like my baby. Thanks to the Apple genius bar I know that my keyboard has stopped communicating with my system. Including the ‘on’ switch. For the next week or so I will be away. I have missed blogging and I  have missed you! Don’t worry…..I’ll be back 😉

Happy 1st Blogaversary & #addalittlebeauty

21 Mar

Hello wonderful ones. The 18th of March marked my first year writing this blog. Wowsers! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by, like seriously….where’d it go?

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you lovely people who take time out of your schedule to read my rants and raves. To be honest, I never really thought my opinion mattered all that much, and God proved me very wrong. I’m so glad you decided to come on this journey with me.Thank you for bearing with all of my spelling and grammar mistakes :-(. And for those of you that are bloggers and like my posts, I check out every single one of your blogs….yep. Every one. I have come to realise there is a massive blogging community, I feel privileged to be a little part of it.

Recently I’ve been asked a lot of questions about faith, hope and my future. Deep huh? There are some questions I find easy to answer, yes I believe God exists and yes I would like a slice of that. To be honest, there are a lot of questions, I can’t answer. One of the beautiful things about life is it’s uncertainty. I don’t know what life will bring, but I do know that Heaven has a good plan for me to faithfully walk into. Life really is too short, and it’s too fragile for us to live with regrets.

There are so many things I want to do this year. I kept them to myself, as you do. However, I have learnt to share in this whole blogging thing. When I summed up all of my resolutions, it accumulated to adding beauty to my life. Resisting the urge to procrastinate and doing all the things that I always wanted to do. Taking risks, trusting again, loving others harder than I did last year.  It’s March so unfortunately most people have forgotten about their new years resolutions. This doesn’t have to be you!

peonies #addalittlebeauty

The #addalittlebeauty campaign celebrates all the things we do to well…..add a little beauty. I’m in love with interiors at the moment,but don’t have the freedom to go crazy yet. So I buy my favourite flowers(peonies)…get the picture? It’s all the small things that make a big difference. What will you do? Tweet me or Instagram @bychioma. I wanna know 🙂

Love, kisses and appreciative hugs….


Miss Dior: Eau De Toilette Review

13 Mar

Hi everyone!!!! Hope your all well and smilling and happy 🙂 So remember that time I told you I was going to start doing reviews? The time has come. I love reading reviews on beauty and hair products. Luxury purchases are not an everyday occurance for me…..yet ha! When I splurge I like to do it well, on beautiful pretty things that I will always love. It’s understandable to fork out on classic basic products, because they are a massive part of your wardrobe. In the light of this, I try to read reviews on pricier products before getting my battered wallet out! Let’s get it started….woop….woop….woop?

Miss Dior Perfume Dior Cherie Perfume

Approx £55 at Harrods in-store (London)

Smells like: A sophisticated feminine scent. Pink roses, blood orange(underlying), a little earth(apparently Indonesian Patchouli?) and Spring. It’s the perfect scent for Summer, and a great ‘pick me up’ during the Winter.

Packaging: Stunning! I have enjoyed having this on my bookshelf. When it’s empty, it will be hard to part with! Having had the perfume for 5 months, the packaging has retained its look. No rusty metal or chipped edges. Good job Mr Dior.

Lasting power: Unfortunately, pretty bad. I absolutely love this scent, but the Eau De Toilette does not last long. ‘Eau de Toilette’ scents are  a watered down version of ‘Perfume’ sprays. Perfume sprays contain a much higher percentage of the original oils and essences that create a scent. This is what makes perfumes more expensive. I know Eau De Toilette’s do not last very long on the skin, but my house mate didn’t know I wore it every day 😦 Ouch. Kind of an essential point…

Would I recommend this: Yes. The scent and the packaging are wonderful. However, I wouldn’t recommend the Eau De Toilette version. When I repurchase it, I will buy the perfume.

Overall rating: 5/10

Sunday, Spiked and Cold Rants…

6 Mar

It is crazy cold in London at the moment. I am literally lathering my skin with layers of moisturiser to scare away dry patches. For some reason my skins seems to be reacting worse to the cold than in previous years. This is not surprising when you take into consideration the rapid and sudden changes in temperature. One minute I’m taking off my cardigan and the next I’m running around the flat looking for an extra pair of socks.

In case winter wasn’t enough, my skin is also battling with perfume. Sound bizarre? It seems I have a tendency to spray on perfume whilst doing a mad dash for the door in the morning. As a result of this mayhem, I keep spraying it on my face! The perfume keeps causing all sort of bumps including a suspicious looking black eye. I’m dangerously close to the end of my Mac concealer! Please learn from my silliness.


Open Knot Key by Tiffany & Co/Spike Necklace £6 by Accessorize/Spiked shoes £29.99 by Zara(old)/ Delicate love bracelet £4 by Accessorize

delicate love bracelet

This must sound pretty awful, but I really need to learn to dress well in the winter. Chioma in the summer looks at Chioma in the winter with disdain. Really, it’s pretty bad. However, in the light of pay day I thought I’d go wild with accessories. Feel free to welcome my beautiful Tiffany key necklace into my wardrobe. Have loved it for so long……it was time to treat myself. And in typical Chioma fashion I have caught onto the spike trend late. Honestly, finding pieces I liked were hard. Got there in the end.

zara spiked shoes

It’s nearly spring time London! Hurry up Sun, we’ve missed you 🙂

xoxo Sun Lover