Archive | October, 2012

An alternative guestbook…

30 Oct

Why hello there 🙂 If you are living in Britain at the moment, you may have noticed the completely random sudden drop in the temperature. I need to go grab myself some gloves hahah! If you are not living in Britain, I apologise….we British LOVE to talk about the weather. It is indeed a true stereotype. Now…..onwards and upwards!

I love wedding guest books. Usually at a wedding they are the thing you put off doing because the table is ALWAYS busy…and a lot of the time I reckon people forget to write in them. Unsure of what a wedding guest book is? Wedding guest books are a book that wedding guests write happy notes for the newlyweds in.

For any future brides looking to spruce that tradition up a bit….stay with me! Most guestbooks are filled with ‘best wishes, you look beautiful, have a great life, the cake was nice’…..the end. But what about asking your nearest and dearest to give you advice on the marriage(which is what your celebrating anyway?).

Check out this from the fabulously talented GoldFoxPaper

Advice for newlyweds printable guestbook £4.48/$7 at GoldFoxPaper on Etsy

The best part? They are printable…so you can print as many as you want! Did someone say bargain?

Feel like some music…this is my soundtrack at the moment! Doesn’t she look like Tina Fey?

That Work Shoe Dilemna/ Mary Portas for Clarks

25 Oct

A week ago I realised I have gone through a whopping 6 PAIRS of shoes in the last 11 months at work. That is completely insane! I work in luxury retail but retail is retail. It all involves standing, bending and even more standing. I love my job, but my footwear doesn’t. Might I say that having wide size 8 feet does NOT help 😦 I have been through enough cheap pairs of shoes that my mum’s childhood  advice finally makes sense. My mum has always loved a bargain, but there were exceptions! She has always insisted you spend good money on the bed you sleep on, the food you eat, underwear and the shoes you wear.

After broken heels and swollen overworked feet I have definitely learned my lesson the hard way. In the light of this, I am about to make a couple of serious sole-d investments(sad I know…).

If you are not from the UK, you may not have heard of the brand Clarks who are famed for making comfortable shoes. They feature great support and balance and at this point I’ve got to do something….the pain is just TOO much.

At one point I considered Salvatore Ferragamo shoes like this…

They are so beautiful, but at close to £300 I reckon they might have to wait a couple of pay days!

I was a little worried about the style factor. I want my ‘black business style’ shoes to look great but be comfortable. Turns out that finding comfortable and stylish shoes has been made a lot easier by Mary Portas. ‘That’ high-street guru made a great line for Clarks so I don’t have to compromise!

Mary Portas for Clarks ‘La Aurelie’ at £79.99 via here!

How cute are these? Wasn’t sure about them at first but they are growing on me!

Mary Portas for Clarks ‘La Jane’ at £79.99 via here!

Will let you all know what I chose….problem solved=happy feet!

PS: No one talk to my mum…..

That’s that stuff I DON’T like….

22 Oct

The thing about bloggers and vloggers,  is that they tend to constantly talk about things they like. We love to recommend, advice and encourage you to buy stuff! But what about those things that tick us off!?

I saw this tag going around Youtube and thought it would be fun! At first I couldn’t think of any but as soon as I thought of one… kept flowing ahaaha! So here goes…

(Getting ready to kick some butt….)

1. I can’t stand when people treat others as if they are less than them. We all have skeletons, skin, blood and bones….you are never better than someone else. Unless your an angel and have wings.

2. When people borrow my lip balm and dig it out! I have a massive fear of getting cold sores and have taken great measures to prevent getting them. These two things are one of the many reasons I don’t share lip products.

3. When people purposefully barge past me on the tube THEN mutter ‘sorry’. Don’t bother saying sorry if you meant to do it! Also, when people say sorry and don’t mean it. There is no point.

4. When I pay for an expensive product and it’s only half full. If I wanted that to happen, I would have tipped out half the contents at the beauty counter and asked to pay half the price…..argh…

5. When I can’t find any shoes that fit me comfortably. I am a size 8 with wide feet, this is very annoying.

6. When people complain about the cost of luxury items but will spend hundreds of pounds a year for a couple of extra channels on their TV. And have the cheek to judge my choices? ‘Better’ will tend to have a higher price tag. And if your wise your price tag will be hand-stitched(Hermes anyone?)

7. When guys try to act like something they are not. Be honest, it’s okay to cry sometimes. Honesty is attractive….I will gladly pass you a tissue.

8. I am pretty much a happy-go-lucky person. I am a morning person, I wake up happy. But when people take advantage of this…not cool.

9. I don’t tend to like sarcasm(because I always feel like it takes the mick out of things)…but I appreciate wit.

10.  I don’t like HATE when guys ask for my number in the street. My friends think it’s flattering, I find it utterly embarassing. I also reckon that if you can ask me on my way to the corner shop, you’ve had the confidence to ask 10 other girls. Doesn’t make me feel special. I feel bad because some of these guys could be nice…but still.

11.I don’t like when my hair feels dry and when my scalp is itchy. I hate the ‘weave’ pat….you guys know what I mean.

12. When people ask me when I’m getting my hair done if my afro is out. If my hair was straight and down my back you wouldn’t ask me silly questions. I don’t ask these people  serious beauty questions….because they don’t appreciate me like God intended. I smile but take note.

13.. I hate that the nail polish on my left hand always looks great but my right hand looks like a hot MESS!

14.. I can’t stand ill fitting suits on men…because my love for men in suits is deep. But I hate the look of myself in a suit. Double standards huh?

14. I can’t stand bad hair-dressers because I have had SO many bad encounters. Seriously considering making all future hairdressers take a test first.

15. I don’t like people messing with my Faith, family, friends and ambitions…..momma bear will fight back!

16. I don’t like roller coasters or scary movies! I just don’t understand why you would pay someone to scare you! Horror movies are a NO GO area. The way I feel to start praying during some of those adverts, jeez!

17. Wasting a good outfit on a event that doesn’t meet expectations. I don’t look good all the time…if I do, don’t waste my efforts.

18. People that only contact you when they need something. I am not an emergency hotline…don’t treat me like one.

19. Snakes, worms, centipedes, slugs…just no….

20. When white clothes aren’t white anymore, sigh.

Am thinking of doing a ‘things I love’ post, to level out the vibes ha!

What don’t you like? Comment and tell me?!

The Power of the Wedded Red Sole….

18 Oct

It’s great to be back guys! Christian Louboutin was recently awarded the right to make His iconic red sole an exclusively registered trademark. I for one am glad, originality should be rewarded. 

Wedding Photography by the legendary U.S.A. based Photography team Kristin Vining

Every bride wants to make an impact in some shape or form on their wedding day. There are so many ways to do this with an entire day to play with. Many brides choose to do so with their bridal outfit. Statement making shoes are becoming increasingly popular, especially those with ‘that’ red sole. Gone are the days of satin white shoes(despite a few exceptions, this is definitely my pet peeve, am I the only one?!)

In the light of this, what’s not to love about choosing Christian Louboutin for your special day. And the best part about it? Most of His designs are style led as opposed to traditional, so you will definitely wear them after your big day. Although there is a bridal range…..I see a queue forming. The possibilities are endless( I look into a dream world far far away.)

Here are some of my picks….

Drumroll: My favourite of the bunch below 🙂 Created for Louboutin’s 20th anniversary.

My heartbeat has returned.

How chic is the one above? They are on the cover of UK Glamour Magazine at the moment and are worn by Jessica Brown-Findlay. I reckon they’d be perfect for a modern city wedding. What do you think, yay or nay?

Available at the Christian Louboutin Online!

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for daily insights 🙂 @bychioma

StudioChi: A New Chapter

16 Oct

Why, hello there lovely people! Hope you are all well.

For all of you wonderful people who find me the least bit interesting, you are probably wondering where in the world I’ve been. I promise you I have been missing but still in action. Some times I take(find) the time to evaluate my life. I think of how I can make my relationships better, discover more of God’s beauty in my world and enjoy my time more. I hope this doesn’t sound incredibly morbid, ha! I’ve been doing the same thing with this blog. Reading over your comments, responses and likes(I check EVERY single one) and considering how I can make this blog better.

Every now and then I get that blogger envy. Any one who has ever blogged at some point must know about this. You look at other blogs and think mine should do this, look like this and be like that. I have realised that this only happens when your trying to make your blog fit into a mould. Every blog is unique because every blogger is unique. A blog should be an expression of it’s writers tastes and interests. I love sharing the things I discover with you guys. Style tips and tricks shouldn’t be exclusive and if I am lucky enough to find something, I’ll share it!  So after much ado…this happened….

Studio Chi

Life. Style. Weddings

It encapsulates all of my babbling without constricting me.

Buckle up…;-) and let me know what you think about the new chapter/new look blog!

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for daily insights 🙂 @bychioma