Tag Archives: diy


7 Jan


Hello from me and Mr Penguin.

Honestly, it’s been a pretty challenging couple of weeks. For a start I had a bug with a cold that turned into a flu which turned my throat into a scratch board. Then medication that was suppose to work that didn’t (exactly why I hate medicine). Moral of the story is go and get the flu jab.

There has also been so much good. There was Christmas which was awesome and of course followed a great entry into the new year. Between those two events I ate my body weight in chocolate, chicken and supermalt. I have been thinking so much about this year and what I want to achieve. I don’t believe in luck as I reckon we make our own way. Normally I have new years resolutions all planned and written in my best handwriting at the beginning of the year. However, this year it is taking me a while to collate all that I believe God has planned for the year to come. I reckon this is because I’m really thinking and praying about it and not just writing good stuff down. So here are a couple of things I’ve thinking about. What kind of resolutions are you making, tweet me on twitter or write them down in the comments. My list isn’t 100% certain so we can share 😉

Some of the things on my list:

1. Truly dedicate my time and heart to God. Not just read a couple of verses a day, listen to a couple of worship songs and try to feel warm inside.

2. STOP PROCRASTINATING, urgh it is such an ugly habit that leads to so much regret. Totally not worth it.

3. Spend more time working on my hobbies (like my blog)and continue writing. Stop trying to only post ‘perfect’ posts, they don’t exist. Hopefully get a short story published this year. Any literary magazines for takers?….anyone 😉


4. Spend more time with my family and friends this year. My circle of friends has got smaller. Not because I purposefully stopped talking to anyone, but because it just happened. I love to meet new people, but I’m happiest with lovely people around me. People that just take take take are just exhausting.

5. Look after my hair, skin and body and stop complaining!

I’m like: ‘Argh my skin so sensitive’?

God’s like: ‘No, you just don’t know how to take care of it.’ Ouchy mouchy.

6. Be more open. The ‘I’m fine’ thing needs to STOP. If I need help this year I will just ask and not just suffer in silence. Silly me.

7. Stay away from weaves. They always go wrong for me. My scalp rarely likes them…..don’t know why I bother trying.

8. Avoid buying dresses and wear more separates. I can sometimes find buying bottoms hard as they never fit my urm…hip/butt area ha! But dressing up is fun when it involves more creativity I reckon.

9. Save up and buy myself an incredibly awesome camera for my birthday in August.

10. Eat healthier. More fruits, more veg and less sugar 😦


So what else have I been up to in the last couple of weeks?

Sneezy times...



Bistro pub steak with 2 good friends, this was incredible but was not enough ha!


Excuse the chipping nails but what Christmas cuteness from the kids from Church!!??


Wrapping up someone’s first Christmas present…


The annual 25min agony over which Christmas card’s match my wrapping paper best.


Mocktail making at a December birthday!

An alternative guestbook…

30 Oct

Why hello there 🙂 If you are living in Britain at the moment, you may have noticed the completely random sudden drop in the temperature. I need to go grab myself some gloves hahah! If you are not living in Britain, I apologise….we British LOVE to talk about the weather. It is indeed a true stereotype. Now…..onwards and upwards!

I love wedding guest books. Usually at a wedding they are the thing you put off doing because the table is ALWAYS busy…and a lot of the time I reckon people forget to write in them. Unsure of what a wedding guest book is? Wedding guest books are a book that wedding guests write happy notes for the newlyweds in.

For any future brides looking to spruce that tradition up a bit….stay with me! Most guestbooks are filled with ‘best wishes, you look beautiful, have a great life, the cake was nice’…..the end. But what about asking your nearest and dearest to give you advice on the marriage(which is what your celebrating anyway?).

Check out this from the fabulously talented GoldFoxPaper

Advice for newlyweds printable guestbook £4.48/$7 at GoldFoxPaper on Etsy

The best part? They are printable…so you can print as many as you want! Did someone say bargain?

Feel like some music…this is my soundtrack at the moment! Doesn’t she look like Tina Fey?

The Wedding Spotlight’s On…..A Pretty Floral Bridal Shower

15 Jun

I love creatively co-ordinating events. I started planning for this Bridal Shower a couple of months ago. Every event is special to someone, but this one even more so as I am the Bride-to-Be’s maid of honour. I began by picking her favourite colours and went from there.

The theme was hinted by the invitations I designed and followed through to the event. The cupcakes and bunting that I made also helped to bring a vintage/homemade flair to the event. It couldn’t have been done without  help from friends who even came up with things I haven’t thought of….which is why I always carry extra crafting materials!

There were plenty of games and tonnes of laughter!

Being Nigerian, my culture can influence some of the things I do. One of the aspects of my culture is showing gratefulness to  God by finding ways to give back.(In case you didn’t know Nigeria’s constitution was built on the Bible as we were once under British rule!) At weddings, the relatives of the bride and groom give guests favours to thank them for coming to rejoice with them. The last image shown is of the favours I created for guests to take home (later wrapped up in tissue paper and ribbons.)  Couldn’t really let everyone leave without a present could I? ha!


12 Jun

Apologies…I have been the busiest bee! I am a friends Maid of Honour and have been knee deep in all sorts of loveliness. Arrived back in London yesterday and thought that a glimpse post was due. So here it it is…and If your in London don’t leave without your umbrella, it’s not looking good! (Apologies, I’m British and we love to talk about the weather!)

I actually went to Hermes Exhibition….I practice what I preach!

In the last two weeks I have been to Paperchase a whopping 4 times!

Kitchen Photo

Beautiful white peony/sweet peas that were sitting in my kitchen. No longer with us…kinda sad!

Making bunting for a friends hen-do….

New shoes from ASOS for work!

Beautiful limited edition stamps……because letters should look pretty too!

I’m loving Rimmel Pro nail polish at the moment….no chips or colour fading!