Archive | June, 2013

5 Things Tuesday: The Problem with Instagram…

25 Jun

Greetings from New York, wonderful lovelies! Thank you for being so loyal and supportive. I’m deep in the middle of helping to sort out yet another wedding. It is definitely becoming a trend! New York State is wonderful. I can’t wait to get to the city! Pictures and details will be shared shortly as always.


1. Instagammers always think what they are taking a picture of is more important than it actually is. Who cares what faces your cat is pulling this morning? Sometimes it’s cute, sometimes it’s just a cat’s face. I don’t even know know whether I’m a cat or a dog person but one thing is true. I’m not always bothered.

2. Instagrammers are sly show offs. Every success is documented, yet half of them don’t even have a printed family photo album. Loose their passwords and their life just didn’t happen.

3. Instagrammers lie! Girl, I saw you yesterday!! We all know that hot hair pic should really be a throwback thursday picture! That #nomakeup, I can see the eyeliner!

4. Instagrammers have angel boyfriends. Who buy them flowers all the time and leave them picture perfect neat notes. By the way, what is it with all the ‘he bought me this and that’ #keeper posts! When was the last time you worked hard and bought yourself a diamond? silly silly…

5. Instagrammers make danger look silly. Taking pictures in the driving seat and on the edge of mountains. Does your mum know you are doing this? Someone call 999….NOW!

And by the way…..I’m guilty too! 😉

Stopped in my tracks…

24 Jun

Every now and then you see something that quite literally takes your breathe away. This just took mine..

wedding veil

by Caroline Tran Photography

Quite simply, this is everything. I don’t quite know where to start. The veil is stunning.It features tulle, white polka dots and lace. A beautiful accompaniment for a dream like blush coloured wedding dress. It would add texture for a bride wearing a simple choice on her big day. The photography is my favourite kind, natural, vintage inspired but timeless. Far from hideous over photoshopping that looks fashionable at the time and tacky 5 years later. Team this bride with rose gold, greens and pinks and you’ve got yourself a fairy-tale. My mind is running away with me, one thing at a time.


Well done sibodesigns, a beautiful veil.

5 Things Tuesday: 5 things your date will never tell you.

11 Jun

Yes it’s super duper late in England right now, but it had to be done!!! For my regular followers you must be thinking, WHERE IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU BEEN!!?? Yes I am indeed alive, but have been away from the blog :-(. It can be difficult juggling so many commitments. However, If you follow me on instagram there has been a photo here and there.

There is a reason I could not wait to post until tommorow. I am starting a new segment on the blog. Give a nice warm welcome to ‘5 Things Tuesday’. I will share 5 random things and well, that’s pretty much it ha! Could be serious, could be kind of funny or just plain random.

I am dedicating this post to a wonderful lady who sent me the most wonderful message. JEAN ALABA? You there? Yes, you! Wonderful readers like you are the reason I do what I do :-). I hope this makes you feel half as special you made me.

5 things your date will never tell you


Photo via:

1.The outfit she said she just threw together, it took her two weeks to find shoes that shade of green.

2.  She had to remind herself by post it note to shave her legs, but only bottom half. There was no time to shave unseen areas.

3.She’s already picked out a wedding theme. Reminded herself that she shouldn’t do it so early but picked out children’s names instead.

4.Climbing Everest is hard. But not harder than avoiding the big delicious but messy meal she really wants to eat. The chicken salad is killing her, and by the way…where’s the rest of it?

5.Her heels are killing her, and you being a gentleman and dropping her home is great and all. Any chance you won’t see if she changes into her flats? No….ok…dying one step at a time….