Tag Archives: writing

5 Things We Avoid Saying….but really should.

12 Nov

zipped lips

‘Keep it zipped and no one gets hurt’?….

1. Your breath/body smells. Who wants to tell someone that a part of them stinks? Awkward as anything but everyone they meet will be grateful.

2. I really didn’t like that meal you cooked. It’s so much better to tell them now before they get excited and make it for next big dinner parties main dish. To allow them to bestow that plate on anybody else is wickedness. And you know it….

3. You can’t sing. A big ouch, especially if they enjoy it and do it publicly. However, it will stop them being that person who gets laughed at on at the X Factor auditions. Friendship can be about saving people from themselves and embarrassing Youtube legacies.

4. We’ve grown apart, and this friendship isn’t good for me. Some people are in our past for a reason. There are some friendships too heavy with baggage to drag into our future. You are chosen to progress, live and learn. I say ‘choose’ because we have it in our power to change our outlook and consequentially the majority of our outcomes. Friend A does not want to progress, live right or even learn from past mistakes. Then has the cheek to try and plunge you into these mistakes with her? Friend B wants to love you and not wife you and continue to flash call you and finish YOUR contract minutes? (cheap skate). Friend C treats you like rubbish and abuses your friendship by lying but is sweet and coy when they need a helping hand. Since when did you become a yo-yo? You are under no stringed obligation to return to the scene of the pain. Be honest with yourself, it’s hurting like it’s burning. Drop it’s hot!

5. I love you. Yes, she’s the girl in and of your dreams and there is probably a reason why. Ha! She may say yes or no, but at least you tried. This isn’t Hollywood. If she marries someone else and you still continue to pursue her, you aren’t going to passionately kiss in the rain. Some one is gonna get punched in the face. Take the tip.

PS: What if….like seriously, what IF she says yes? ;-)……cue orchestra……

FYI: I’m really enjoying these posts and judging by the stats so are you! If you can think of anything you hate to say, comment in box below!

x Chi x

5 Signs your growing up!

22 Oct

plane view

Suck it up and enjoy the ride….

1.  The sudden realisation that your life before 18 wasn’t easy but subsdised! Paying for oyster cards, topping up gas cards and repaying student loans? Then they have the cheek to dangle the magic 18-25 railcard and snatch it from you after your 25th birthday. I’ll kiss my teeth, but not too much as it’s hard to find a NHS dentist with openings….

2. Your diary becomes more than something you put off buying till there are literally none left. Having a full time job means you loose the greatest usable portion of your day. Everything else commands organisation. Last week I realised I need to stop doodling in mine and actually write in it.

3. Your social life is planned and night’s in are appealing. There’s no impromptu ‘lets play outside’. If it is impromptu it’s fake, void of adrenaline and fuelled by caffeine. You need notice to ensure you have even have enough energy to attend. We would like to think there’s enough in us to go to those after work socials but unless its a prelude to the weekend(friday night), forget that jazz. Period drama’s feature heavily in these night-ins. Suddenly, finding out which maid took the silver spoon is worth Sky planner recording space.

4. When you get more wedding and baby shower invitations than party suggestions. To make the hormones current,  the lovers and mothers have taken to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to chronicle their journeys. All those scans and ring pictures!( I secretly think this is cute, except when overdone….)

5. When a condescending cloud about the superioirity of your childhood descends upon you.  You may start to say things like ‘when I was your age’…..and not even know it. All these silly ungrateful kids….