Tag Archives: mac cosmetics

Blogmas 2012: Mac Obsession…

18 Dec

So in case you havn’t noticed, Blogmas is failing! Not because I don’t want to blog but sometimes life gets in the way 😦 In many ways blogging is a release for me. But this doesn’t stop me getting in from work while it’s dark, doing my laundry and FINALLY getting round to cleaning the hob. And of course when one finally gets round to a moment’s peace, the Mac decides to play up (naughty naughty).

In spite of all these things, I still managed to shop because well….yeah. Recently I have found myself more interested in make-up. This is a big deal for me as I was an insecure adolescent(#justusedafancyword). Why does that matter? Well, I vocally and very adamantly steered away from make-up so it didn’t become a mask for me. I’m older now. Having largely gotten over the fact that I have the occasional bout of stretch marks, acne and bad hair days, I’m ready to experiment. I am celebrating this by buying far too much Mac. If there is indeed such a thing.

mac make up

mac paint pot indianwood

Mac Paint Pot ‘Indianwood’ (Eye shadow Base) £14.99 @ Mac


Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Powder ‘Gold Deposit'(The perfect highlighter) £21.50 @ Mac

mac make up mac makeup beauty blog

mac new york apple lipstick

Mac Lipstick ‘New York Apple’ (A great Autumn Berry) £14 @ Mac

real techniques brushes

Real Techniques Make-Up Brush Set £21.99 @ Boots


Me wearing all of these lovely items, with a pretty oily face after a long night on a wedding dance floor…

Blogmas 2012: Mac Cosmetics Holiday 2012

6 Dec

You might be wondering….WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CHIOMA! have no fear, I am still alive and well, the blogging schedule was disrupted for a while. While I’m at it, happy December everyone!

Starbucks red cup

(Enjoying my first Starbucks red cup of the season…yummy gingerbread latte)

Christmas is one of my favourite times of year. I love the buzz and excitement. I reckon it’s greatness centres around the fact that we celebrate something incredibly meaningful. Now obviously as a Christian, Christmas mean a lot to me. The excitement kind of makes sense. However, I’ve realised that a lot of  my generation and above seem to be getting tired of the whole affair.Fair enough there’s a lot of fuss involved. Regardless of what you believe who doesn’t love a fork full of turkey and cranberry sauce (nom nom). Say what you will,most people will be sitting around the TV with someone watching the conclusion to a dragged storyline from the likes of Eastender’s. Christmas brings us together.

So up until  the 22nd of December, there will be a gift idea’s. I will even feature present’s for guys(I find them so hard to buy for). Who says I’m not good too you….. Just to make it even more fabulous I will be participating in Vlogmas this year.

Now for those of you confused, Vlogmas is youtube vloggers post something everyday as a part of Christmas excitement. I being the genuis I am (ha), have created blogmas….say hello to posts everyday till the end of the year, YIKES!

Let’s start shall we.

christmas present ideas

mac cosmetics holiday 2012

Who doesn’t like something from Mac? What I love about this huge cosmetic brand is how they spear headed diversity in make-up before anyone else realised there was even money in it.

They have some incredible kits for the gift giving season. and all so beautifully packaged.

Prices start from £25 and are available from Mac Cosmetics online and at Mac counters everywhere.