Archive | December, 2012

Have A Merry Christmas…

25 Dec

christian louboutin tree

by Susie Rea Photography

……..Because Louboutin couldn’t exactly have a normal tree.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of my kind and lovely readers for reading this blog. My family is relaxing on the sofa right now while one of us(no names mentioned), is talking over Downton Abbey. This Christmas special is so beautiful. We are looking at my mum’s graduation pictures and talking about bits and bobs as you do at Christmas. So much has gone right this year, despite the usual challenges. I am grateful. Thank you God for an awesome Christmas. I have a new lipstick to try, new clothes and a tonnes of presents in my flat still to open. By the way, I am in my pajama’s. We usually dressed up but it just didn’t happen this year! Hope you were good this year and got something nice 😉

Lately I’ve been thinking…

20 Dec


about a lot of things. I can’t get the children of the Connecticut shooting out of my head. So many children. Everyday something seems to be remind me of it. I can’t quite remember what it was like to be their age, but I remember what my siblings were like. When your the eldest child, things just stick. Like who was whose favourite toy, snack etc etc. Most of all I remember their innocence. They will never know what it feels like to enjoy our world. My prayers are with them constantly.

These situations remind me of my helplessness as a human being. They remind me of how much I need God. They remind me of the important things in life. Who doesn’t love sparkles, fresh tags and new crisp clothing? The problem with holding onto them too tightly is that we start looking towards ourselves and stop looking at the greatness around us. Faith(Christianity for me), family and friendships. Aspects of our life with greater/eternal impact.

This Christmas, among there will be stuffing and many gifts. I hope that you get a chance to ponder on the greater. The most important things in life cannot be seen with the naked eye…

Blogmas 2012: Mac Obsession…

18 Dec

So in case you havn’t noticed, Blogmas is failing! Not because I don’t want to blog but sometimes life gets in the way 😦 In many ways blogging is a release for me. But this doesn’t stop me getting in from work while it’s dark, doing my laundry and FINALLY getting round to cleaning the hob. And of course when one finally gets round to a moment’s peace, the Mac decides to play up (naughty naughty).

In spite of all these things, I still managed to shop because well….yeah. Recently I have found myself more interested in make-up. This is a big deal for me as I was an insecure adolescent(#justusedafancyword). Why does that matter? Well, I vocally and very adamantly steered away from make-up so it didn’t become a mask for me. I’m older now. Having largely gotten over the fact that I have the occasional bout of stretch marks, acne and bad hair days, I’m ready to experiment. I am celebrating this by buying far too much Mac. If there is indeed such a thing.

mac make up

mac paint pot indianwood

Mac Paint Pot ‘Indianwood’ (Eye shadow Base) £14.99 @ Mac


Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Powder ‘Gold Deposit'(The perfect highlighter) £21.50 @ Mac

mac make up mac makeup beauty blog

mac new york apple lipstick

Mac Lipstick ‘New York Apple’ (A great Autumn Berry) £14 @ Mac

real techniques brushes

Real Techniques Make-Up Brush Set £21.99 @ Boots


Me wearing all of these lovely items, with a pretty oily face after a long night on a wedding dance floor…

Let’s have a Blogmas Baul!

11 Dec

What in the world is a baul???? If any of you are addicted to youtube(like me), you’ll be familiar with haul videos. I love them, they are basically people talking you through what they’ve bought. You wouldn’t have thought it would be interesting but tens of thousands of views per video means those girls are onto a winner. I for one find them incredibly interesting, and I thought you might too! So here enter a ‘baul’…a b’loggers haul….get it? I know I’m sad right 😦

warehouse bags

1. Purple Warehouse Side Stud Clutch £24 @ Warehouse: I absolutely love the colour. Definately jumped on the oxblood bandwagon. I’m trying to train myself to carry less rubbish around with me so I can carry smaller cuter bags, when I overcome this challenge you will see more of it. Am I the only girl who carries shed-loads of stuff around with her ‘just in case’ hahaha?

2. Black Warehouse Croc Chain Strap bag £32: For some reason it’s not available online anymore, but I bet it will be back soon! I love that this has a Chanel strap vibe without trying to hard. Nothing worse than a bad copy. The croc fabric makes it look like a vintage find.

3. Topshop Stamp Cross Drop Earrings £8.50 @ Topshop: It’s cross’s everywhere at the moment. I don’t have a problem with that! These earrings have a bit of an edge to them too. They would jazz up a simple outfit.

So what do you guys think? Baul’s yay or nay?

Blogmas Gift Guide: Cute slippers everywhere

10 Dec

‘Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…’

Hi lovely people, hope you are very very well. It’s nearly Christmas time, yay!  Yes so I missed a day of Blogmas( I hold my hands up in surrender, knees drop to the ground, DON’T SHOOT!). Apologies, and Sunday is Church day, if you follow regularly you’ll already know I don’t post then. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me. And I’m feeling gooooooood!

So on with with the Christmas giving happy feelings. My mum is a pretty generous woman. She  is not perfect( as no one is), but she just happens to think about people….a lot. In fact at Christmas and birthday’s she never has to buy a gift. Hidden in the back of one of her wardrobes(don’t tell her I know) are bags of things she buys for us/friends throughout the entire year. Lots of little things that make me and my siblings feel special. She is super generous with her money throughout the year….we just happen to see it all at Christmas. Now why did I tell you all that long winded story? Well….one of the items that popped up so many Christmas’s was slippers.

 Fair enough they aren’t especially heartfelt…but if they look as cute as these who wouldn’t use them? Stocking filler?

christmas present ideas


topshop ermine slipper


Topshop Ermine Slipper £14 and available at Topshop