Tag Archives: bridesmaids gifts

The Wedding Spotlight’s On…..Beautiful Bridesmaids Gifts Day Five

22 Jun

We’ve reached the end of my countdown for the bridesmaids gifts…boo-hoo! I’ve had a great time researching this. In my day job I often advice people about bridemaid’s gifts, so it was great for me to look at what’s widely available.I can’t help thinking that bridesmaids are very lucky girls ha!

I’ve saved one of the best for last. This gift is completely universal but is( as all the others before were), a GREAT photo prop. I also believe this is a pretty unique idea that will be rise in popularity!

Custom orders available from SilkAndMore at Etsy _ Sets of Six start from £137

The Wedding Spotlight’s On….Beautiful Bridesmaids Gifts Day 4

21 Jun

All this hunting for bridesmaids gifts has made me want to shop! Oh dear…well hello day four. Welcome to the newbies…glad your joining us. Today’s segement is useful for the girl who likes her labels or pretty much anyone else! On an evening out or with that ittybitty clutch bag, it’s nice to have all of your important items in one place.

Enter the Prada business card holder. After seeing these in the flesh I know they are very roomy and oh so cute! With a great variety of colours available these card holder would make for a great shot on the day. Really, who would say no to a bit of Prada?

Available from Prada E-Store for £95