Archive | November, 2013

Splurge Or Save

15 Nov

splurge or save michael kors wren

Team Michael Kors Wren Watch or Team ASOS Chronograph?

I have been in love with this Michael Kors Watch forever! But every time I want to do it, I just put my purse back inside my bag. £229 is a lot but not a CRAZY amount for a watch you’d wear everyday. Never the less in the run up to Christmas, it would wipe out the rest of my present list and then some. ‘Tis the season to give, not buy for oneself!

Think I’ll be ‘saving’ on this one.


5 Things We Avoid Saying….but really should.

12 Nov

zipped lips

‘Keep it zipped and no one gets hurt’?….

1. Your breath/body smells. Who wants to tell someone that a part of them stinks? Awkward as anything but everyone they meet will be grateful.

2. I really didn’t like that meal you cooked. It’s so much better to tell them now before they get excited and make it for next big dinner parties main dish. To allow them to bestow that plate on anybody else is wickedness. And you know it….

3. You can’t sing. A big ouch, especially if they enjoy it and do it publicly. However, it will stop them being that person who gets laughed at on at the X Factor auditions. Friendship can be about saving people from themselves and embarrassing Youtube legacies.

4. We’ve grown apart, and this friendship isn’t good for me. Some people are in our past for a reason. There are some friendships too heavy with baggage to drag into our future. You are chosen to progress, live and learn. I say ‘choose’ because we have it in our power to change our outlook and consequentially the majority of our outcomes. Friend A does not want to progress, live right or even learn from past mistakes. Then has the cheek to try and plunge you into these mistakes with her? Friend B wants to love you and not wife you and continue to flash call you and finish YOUR contract minutes? (cheap skate). Friend C treats you like rubbish and abuses your friendship by lying but is sweet and coy when they need a helping hand. Since when did you become a yo-yo? You are under no stringed obligation to return to the scene of the pain. Be honest with yourself, it’s hurting like it’s burning. Drop it’s hot!

5. I love you. Yes, she’s the girl in and of your dreams and there is probably a reason why. Ha! She may say yes or no, but at least you tried. This isn’t Hollywood. If she marries someone else and you still continue to pursue her, you aren’t going to passionately kiss in the rain. Some one is gonna get punched in the face. Take the tip.

PS: What if….like seriously, what IF she says yes? ;-)……cue orchestra……

FYI: I’m really enjoying these posts and judging by the stats so are you! If you can think of anything you hate to say, comment in box below!

x Chi x

Clicks I ♡

11 Nov

Just some things I think are worth a click on this great thing we call the internet! I hope that you like them too……

1. John Lewis has done it again. Those people specialise in creating Christmas adverts that pull at our heart strings. Lilly Allen’s rendition of Keane’s ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ is just perfection.

2. The gorgeous Tanya Burr’s Youtube channel. No half hearted videos here and with a great personality to match!

3. This song by Hillsong, King of Heaven‘. Such beauty!

4. All the 3 for 2 offers on the Boots website! Are they supposed to be persuading us to buy for other people?

5. Kristabel Plummer has been blogging since 2008. She is what I like to call a seasoned blogger. blogging before it became popular with stunning photography and quality posts worth reading. Check her out here.

6. This dress is cute verging on hotter than sliced bread’s mother and then some.

7. Heather Lindsey is a great example of a woman using her gifts and social media to inspire a new generation of women. This book please.

x Chi x

Ren Skincare Samples: InStyle Magazine

4 Nov

2 posts in one day? I’m being good aren’t I!

Apologies for the bad photo quality(camera issues). This had to be shared ASAP!instyle magazine november 2013

Doesn’t Drew Barrymore look stunning?


I’ve been meaning to try REN skin care products after hearing so much about them on Youtube videos. Everyone seems to rave about their skin calming abilities. Hype aside ,I have to take into account my uber sensitive skin. Then teamed with the fact that products start at £15, I have to be sure I’m not going to waste my money on a once used product. So when I passed the local Co-Op local store and saw InStyle magazine with free sample sizes, I couldn’t believe my luck! The perfect way to try out the range AND a different magazine. Not to mention that the magazine was £2! I predict a sell out edition so grab one while it lasts 🙂

x Chi x

A Little Disappointed….

4 Nov

Drumroll please……

primark website

So someone at the Primark headquarters finally fixed up and sorted out the site! Over the years they have invested so much into on trend pieces and it has really paid off. They now carry catwalk inspired clothing as well as classic investments. It’s not exactly top quality, but you can’t have everything. Best of all, everything (apart from a cheeky few), is at reasonable prices.  Last year they started to stock popular pieces on ASOS, one of my most popular online stores. It was great to be able to shop without the Primark shuffling and crowds.

When I heard about the website re-do I was pretty excited. To be honest, I think everyone seemed to expect an online shopping facility. The selection available varies so much from store to store. It would have been a time saver to have it available all at one place. That just didn’t happen. I hope someone there reads this and takes note 🙂