Tag Archives: people

Lately I’ve been thinking…

20 Dec


about a lot of things. I can’t get the children of the Connecticut shooting out of my head. So many children. Everyday something seems to be remind me of it. I can’t quite remember what it was like to be their age, but I remember what my siblings were like. When your the eldest child, things just stick. Like who was whose favourite toy, snack etc etc. Most of all I remember their innocence. They will never know what it feels like to enjoy our world. My prayers are with them constantly.

These situations remind me of my helplessness as a human being. They remind me of how much I need God. They remind me of the important things in life. Who doesn’t love sparkles, fresh tags and new crisp clothing? The problem with holding onto them too tightly is that we start looking towards ourselves and stop looking at the greatness around us. Faith(Christianity for me), family and friendships. Aspects of our life with greater/eternal impact.

This Christmas, among there will be stuffing and many gifts. I hope that you get a chance to ponder on the greater. The most important things in life cannot be seen with the naked eye…