Tag Archives: mac lipstick

Beauty: Mac Ruby Woo Review

21 Aug

When I was younger I got the impression that all elegant ladies wore lipsticks, heels and trench coats. Hence I decided that when I got older and more mature I would get my first lipstick and it had to be red. I did get a red lipstick but not much maturity.

Mac ‘s ‘Ruby Woo’.This is one of those products that EVERY blogger , Tom, Dick and Harry has! I am a bit of a rebel and bore in mind that I already had one red lipstick from Clinique. It had a glossy finish so resembled a very highly pigmented lipgloss. A little bit of a cop out but a great starter for my 19 year old mind. I didn’t see the need to get another red lipstick.  However, after giving the lipstick away I was left with a void. Having looked high and low I realised it ws time to face my fear and go for a matte colour. Looking for a blue toned red was suprisingly difficult and I now understand why ‘Ruby Woo’ is such a favourite.

mac lipstck


It suits so many skin tones and has incredibly colour pay off!  I made up my mind to pick up one while I was in New York City as a little treat 🙂

mac ruby woo swatch

My only issue with this lipstick is that while it has great staying power it transfers and bleeds quite a lot. For me, I couldn’t wear it without lip liner, and everything my lips brushed on got some red action! I’m all up for making a lasting impression but I was kinda careful about the angles and physics of my hugs ha! I don’t wear a full face of a make up crazy often. I am not used to it so you have to factor that in. All in all I am crazy about the colour, I can figure out a lip primer later….

mac ruby woo

Blogmas 2012: Mac Obsession…

18 Dec

So in case you havn’t noticed, Blogmas is failing! Not because I don’t want to blog but sometimes life gets in the way 😦 In many ways blogging is a release for me. But this doesn’t stop me getting in from work while it’s dark, doing my laundry and FINALLY getting round to cleaning the hob. And of course when one finally gets round to a moment’s peace, the Mac decides to play up (naughty naughty).

In spite of all these things, I still managed to shop because well….yeah. Recently I have found myself more interested in make-up. This is a big deal for me as I was an insecure adolescent(#justusedafancyword). Why does that matter? Well, I vocally and very adamantly steered away from make-up so it didn’t become a mask for me. I’m older now. Having largely gotten over the fact that I have the occasional bout of stretch marks, acne and bad hair days, I’m ready to experiment. I am celebrating this by buying far too much Mac. If there is indeed such a thing.

mac make up

mac paint pot indianwood

Mac Paint Pot ‘Indianwood’ (Eye shadow Base) £14.99 @ Mac


Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Powder ‘Gold Deposit'(The perfect highlighter) £21.50 @ Mac

mac make up mac makeup beauty blog

mac new york apple lipstick

Mac Lipstick ‘New York Apple’ (A great Autumn Berry) £14 @ Mac

real techniques brushes

Real Techniques Make-Up Brush Set £21.99 @ Boots


Me wearing all of these lovely items, with a pretty oily face after a long night on a wedding dance floor…