Archive | June, 2012

Sunday Best…

28 Jun

So, as I said before….I’m not a style guru. I still haven’t found the perfect pair of skinny jeans, figured out what suits me or have a Michael Kors watch (are they a fashionista right of passage? ha!) Sometimes I like to have fun and experiment…I get to share that here. I deliberated on whether or not to post this outfit, but I figure that honesty is the best policy! There is no point in putting on a show, I’m going to show you the true me on a Sunday….even if I’m only wearing eye-liner.

Kameez: Random Find/Jeans: Mango/ Satchel Bag: Topshop/ Wedge Sandals: New Look/Earrings: Orelia

 I love to blend the styles and traditional wears of different cultures. My top is actually actually part of a Shalwar  Kameez (a.k.a. punjabi suit), which consists of trousers, tunic and a scarf. I got it when I walked into a South Asian Clothing store in Bristol a couple of years back and fell in love with it. The jeans are from Mango….they clearly need shortening. Sometimes I think the outfit works and sometimes I think it doesn’t….but that’s part of the fun!

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The Spotlight’s On….Sleek MakeUP Ultra Matte i-Divine Palettes

26 Jun

I am a massive fan of Sleek makeup. They offer reasonably priced products at such a high quality. Now as I have said before, I’m no make up guru. In fact it was only the other day that I found out what contouring was…I know….seriously?…really! For this reason, when I find something that I like which also works for me…I stick to it. I’ve been using Sleek’s eye-shadow palettes exclusively for years and was excited to find out they have launched to new matte palettes just in time for the Summer.

The lovely people at Sleek have created dark and bright options so there’s something for everyone and every occasion. I’m told that like all their eye-shadows, the pigment on these is super high! For all of you overseas fans, there is international shipping available on their site!

Available online or at your local British Superdrug Store for approx £6.49

The Wedding Spotlight’s On…..Beautiful Bridesmaids Gifts Day Five

22 Jun

We’ve reached the end of my countdown for the bridesmaids gifts…boo-hoo! I’ve had a great time researching this. In my day job I often advice people about bridemaid’s gifts, so it was great for me to look at what’s widely available.I can’t help thinking that bridesmaids are very lucky girls ha!

I’ve saved one of the best for last. This gift is completely universal but is( as all the others before were), a GREAT photo prop. I also believe this is a pretty unique idea that will be rise in popularity!

Custom orders available from SilkAndMore at Etsy _ Sets of Six start from £137

The Wedding Spotlight’s On….Beautiful Bridesmaids Gifts Day 4

21 Jun

All this hunting for bridesmaids gifts has made me want to shop! Oh dear…well hello day four. Welcome to the newbies…glad your joining us. Today’s segement is useful for the girl who likes her labels or pretty much anyone else! On an evening out or with that ittybitty clutch bag, it’s nice to have all of your important items in one place.

Enter the Prada business card holder. After seeing these in the flesh I know they are very roomy and oh so cute! With a great variety of colours available these card holder would make for a great shot on the day. Really, who would say no to a bit of Prada?

Available from Prada E-Store for £95

The Wedding Spotlight’s On…Beautiful Bridesmaids Gifts Day 3

20 Jun

Is it really day three already! This week is flying by isn’t it! As you may or may not already know, this week I’m bringing you my pick of bridesmaids gift’s. If your observant you’ll note that every single one would be great in photos on the big day!

Older bridesmaids can be tricky. They either have everything or may warrant things out of your price range! In this kind of situation, I’d always go for a sentimental keepsake. My favourite idea is a framed quote or saying that you know they will appreciate. Perhaps even incorporating floral imagery or colours from your wedding?

Remember that few things are more personal than a commissioned piece. You could get an artist/illustrater like me to commission something like the image below. I created this as favours for a bridal shower….

The possibilities are endless!