Tag Archives: textile

The Item I Didn’t Expect To Like…

11 Jul

When I saw this dress I was pretty surprised that I loved it.

Reason 1: I Hate Hoods

Reason 2: I Hate HOODS

Reason 3: I HATE HOODS…get the picture?

Isabel Marant has completely changed my mind on this one. Created with silk, this piece has luxurious day to evening glam. Paired with sandals in the day and colourful wedges during the evening…I think it would be perfect addition to an experimental wardrobe.

Isabel Marant Cajou Hooded Woven Raw Silk Dress available from Net-A-Porter for £300…wait, no….it’s on sale? now £120!

The Spotlight’s on….Sika Designs

1 Jun

I love print, patterns and colour. But I have a special love for Dutch Wax prints, they remind me of all things West African. African inspired fashion is booming at the moment, everyone from Burberry to Kurt Geiger seems to want a piece of the action! When I see a designer taking fabrics I like and creating something beautiful I’ve got to celebrate….whilst getting my card out! Sika Designs is my latest discovery and I can’t wait to treat myself. The only problem is…..how in the world do I pick ONE item….let the battle commence…

Prices start from £49 and are available from their online shop here!


30 Apr

Hello everyone…and a special hello to all the new subscribers! Welcome aboard! It makes me smile when the numbers go up. StudioChi figured it was only fair that you get to know a little more about the girl behind the posts. So here goes….

Thing 1: My name is…Chioma Ononuju. In case your wondering where in the world the name is from…it’s a Nigerian name..because I’m Nigerian.

Thing 2: I’m a Christian…so I think that God and brightly coloured Bibles are pretty awesome. I think God created a beautiful world and this blog is about celebrating ‘all things bright and beautiful’…..see what I did there? hee hee…okay a little sad…moving on swiftly….

Thing 3. I love to laugh and have a crazy amount of energy…no boringness allowed on my ship!

Thing 4.I’m a Londoner…it’s a great city, it’s an awesome city…it’s my city. I’m also Nigerian and very proudly so! 

Thing 5. I have a massive sweet tooth and I love cake…it is very important to me. Little secret…I’m slightly suspicious of people who don’t like cake. Simply because WHO doesn’t like cake? I love Laduree macaroons, they have a beautiful concession in Harrods(London) that I love. Though if your reading this and you don’t like cake…I’ll make an exception. I also bake them…nom nom

Thing 6. I have a degree in Creative Arts: Creative Writing and Textile Design…

Thing 7. I believe in style not fashion… that’s the reason vintage items still work.This blog is a culmination of all the things I love…so I hope there’s something for everyone!

Thing 8. At the moment I’m loving the following TV programmes…New Girl, Hart of Dixie, Grey’s Anatomy and Friends (I’ve never stopped liking Friends…I never will).

Thing 9. I wear minimal make up…If I’m not going somewhere special, I let my clothes do the talking. But I’d love to know more about it for when I do feel like sprucing up…as my knowledge isn’t the best…

Thing 10. I believe a woman’s under garments should be as beautiful as her over garments ….it’s only fair.

Thing 11. I have a huge crush on flowers..my favourite are peonies, dahlias and hydrangeas..

Thing 11.I’m an artist.

Thing 12. I’m glad your taking the time to read this…

Making the cushions…

7 Jun
I made a collection of silk chiffon scarves that will be exhibited at my degree show. I also had some silk satin fabrics printed. I wasn’t totally sure what to do with them. The designs on the silk satin fabrics did not come through on both sides because of the thickness of it in comparison to the chiffon. So I decided to make some cushions……finished products will be uploaded after my degree show!

Time to Photoshop…

7 Jun

So, after years of frustration with photoshop I decided to finally get down to business and learn how to work it. I had some great starting up help from a good friend who taught me the basics and said ‘you’ve just got to experiment and get on with it’. To anyone who is considering dabbling with photoshop…take her advice! You’ll need a boxset of your favourite programme to distract you just before you get frustrated and give up….and maybe some prayer on the side! Here are some of my repeat pattern designs…