Tag Archives: blog tag

Life| The Blogger TMI Tag

26 Feb

So,I’ve seen this tag floating around Youtube and various blogs. It really is too much information, but that didn’t stop me watching reading and watching a host of them! Want to know more about me…..keep reading!

Just a heads up, I started this at home and finished it elsewhere. If the answers don’t correlate, you know why! This thing took blooming forever.

blogger too much information tag

1: What are you wearing? A Minnie Mouse Onsie. It feels like sleeping in a custom made blanket. Awesomeness.

2: Ever been in love? Yes, Currently.

3: Ever had a terrible break-up? No, because I’m in my first relationship. But I’ve had a very messy friendshipish break up. Ouchy Mouchy!

4: How tall are you? Approx 5’5.

5: How much do you weigh? Over 10 stone, I think?. I weigh more than I look, blaming the muscles.

6: Any tattoos? Super dislike them. Though I feel like some people pull them off better than others. People forget that they are a lot harder to get off than they are to get on. Think seriously first. Choose to honour your body, it’s a gift from Heaven.

7: Any piercing? The classic standard ear piercing.

8: OTP/One True Pairing? I’m with him 😉

9: Favourite Show? Probably Friends as I watch it the most! When you can recite the words, it verges on obsession. I also love Criminal Minds, anything to do with baking, How I Met Your Mother, Luther, Downton Abbey, Hart of Dixie, Grey’s Anatomy, It’s Supernatural and New Girl.

10: Favorite bands? Bethel, Delirious, Jesus Culture, DC Talk, Rend Collective Experiment and Coldplay.

11: Something you miss? University, it was an incredible time. As life has taken all of my friends in different directions, being in such close proximity was taken for granted! The University experience definitely prepared me for life after. Life after has been awesome, but so many lessons were learnt away from home that has made adulthood an easier transition.

12: Favorite song? Divine Romance by Phil Wickham.

13: How old are you? 23 years young.

14: Zodiac sign? Don’t believe in Zodiac signs/Horoscopes.

15: Quality you look for in a partner? Someone who loves Jesus more than me and know that I am what Heaven has planned for him. That sounds weird but if a man follows Jesus, he will respect and love me more than the average guy. Jesus is love itself. The average guy will be looking for a chemistry. The right guy would be actively pursuing an Godly ,honouring and lasting relationship. See the difference? Connections come, go, fade and get stretch marks. When someone is trying to be Christlike, there’s just a lot of rubbish that won’t go down. Have you ever seen two people who are truly Christians argue? It’s awesome. First because it rarely gets to an argument. Second because they are both arguing to make it right! Also all that other stuff, caring, responsible, assertive, kind and hotness doesn’t go amiss lol! I’m aware that my priorities are different from the norm. I don’t intend to have a normal relationship. If we are being honest, few relationships these days have lasting commitment.

16: Favorite Quote? ‘Find the beauty’. There is beauty in everything, if you can’t see it your not looking hard enough.

17: Favorite Actor? Can’t decide. At the moment Jennifer Lawrence, Idris Elba, Chiwitel Ejiofor, Sandra Bullock, Judi Dench, Isla Fisher, Kirsten Wiig, Ryan Gosling

18: Favorite Colour? Pinks, purples, blues, greens! Every colour can be worked well but lilac. I’m sure it’s possible. I should probably do a bridal mood board on it. Challenge accepted.

19: Loud music or soft? Soft, but when I’m ready to party, I don’t hold back…

20: Where do you go when you’re sad? I try to go to my knees in prayer but you can also find me with sweet snacks, watching films, in bed and talking to friends who care about me.  sometimes calories can be comforting!

21: How long does it take you to shower? 9 minutes.

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 15 minutes. moisturise, pick out clothes sweep my hair back. I don’t wear make up everyday. If I want to look a little more presentable it will be concealer under my eyes, mascara and lip gloss. An extra 4 minutes. I am super uncomplicated.

23: Ever been in a physical fight? Once, but it was self defence. At some point you’ve got to defend yourself. I’m not about to spend the next 10 years looking for scar creams (rolls eyes).

24: Turn on? A well kept, suited and sarcastic man. I don’t really get sarcasm but I’ve always found it kind of hot. I am convinced this is why women love Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock.

25: Turn off? Bad smells and pride. Any guy who doesn’t appreciate me. You can’t smile at me and bring down my self esteem at the same time. Pokerface is strictly for the games table.

26: The reason I joined WordPress? This blog originally started on Blogger as a University addition for my final year project and a way to have my work online. It has evolved into my creative outlet!

27: Fears? Hurting someone, being without cake, being alone for too long. First it’s wonderful, then it’s lonely.

28: Last thing that made you cry? Can’t actually remember, might have been a little unwell.

29: Last time you said you loved someone?  This morning to the Mr.

30: Meaning behind your WordPress Name? Studio Chi has my nickname in it. Everyone calls me Chi and my blog is my online studio. Full of all my creative and completely materialistic finds! More importantly, Chi literally mean’s God in my traditional Nigerian language Igbo. So technically, this blog actually means ”Studio God’ or ‘God’s Studio’I believe all creative gifts stems from Him.This blog is His inspiration as well as mine.

31: Last book you read? The Bible

32: The book you’re currently reading? The biography of James Hudson Taylor, Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Boy meets Girl by Joshua Harris.

33: Last show you watched? How I Met Your Mother

34: Last person you talked to? My Pastor.

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? He’s my Pastor aka leader of my church, known him since I was 9 years old!

36: Favorite food? Nigerian Cuisine, Jellof rice, ASSORTED MEAT (said in a Nigerian accent, nom nom), Italian(pizza, pasta), a PROPER burger with loads of meat and cheese, a proper English roast, Laduree Macaroons, Chin Chin (a Nigerian Snack) and most importantly….Cake.

37: Place you want to visit? Israel and anywhere hot in the Caribbean or the Maldives which is super quiet and private and I can feel the sun on my back and sip drinks on the beach. Where’s my tankini at?

38: Last place you were? Outside, now I’m indoors? ha!

39: Do you have a crush? Yes, so I figured a relationship with him was probably a good idea….;-)

40: Last time you kissed someone? The Mothership, yesterday, on the cheek.

41: Last time you were insulted? Hmmm. I think my brother might have called a goat yesterday in jest….

42: Favourite flavour of sweet? Strawberry

43: What instruments do you play? I used to play the Piano and the Flute but have forgotten it all now 😦

44: Favourite piece of jewellery? A yellow/white gold filigree heart with diamond pendant I bought myself when I finished my degree. Saving was necessary, but vouchers came in handy hee hee.

45: Last sport you played? Probably power walking to the bus stop? (sheepish face).

46: Last song you sang? As past of my daily shower karaoke session, The More I Seek You (Kari Jobe/Steffany Frizzel Gretzinger written by Zach Neese)

47: Favourite chat up line? Urgh, can’t stand them. Kudos to any guy who can do it while making a girl laugh and not be creeped out. It is such a fine line.

48:Have you ever used it? Nope. We live in a modern world, but I’m still a traditional girl.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? This afternoon, at my fav local cafe with the mr. Watching him attempt to drink coffee for the first time was pretty amusing.

50:Who should answer these questions next? Faith from Faylicious and Becca from KnitHappens. I miss your posts guys!

So there we have it!